Welcome to AquaKlima

As a leading manufacturer of drainage systems, AquaKlima has copyrighted
its own innovative solutions.

Within the scope of air-conditioning and ventilation technology, during the air cooling or humidification process that takes place, associated condensation occur. It is important that a build up of fluids due to condensation of the air is prevented and discharged, with the view of avoiding corrosion or water damage to spare components, containers or buildings. Additional to this, an associated increase of hygienic risk, interruption to operation and accesses of leak air, can occur due to an inadequate form of professional condensation removal for all sections. 

There is a variety of drain traps (siphons) for the removal of condensation fluid produced by air-conditioning and ventilation systems. Selection of these will be dependent upon the condition of the unit, i.e. an over or low pressure against the surrounding environment. 

Specific physical calculation formulas, which are in dependency of the air pressure of the unit, have been taken into account within our measurement table for the appropriate dimensioning of the siphons. AquaKlima as a proficient manufacturer, offers complete solutions for condensation drainage from air handling units (AHUs) for all kinds.

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